About Us

International combat Martial Arts and sport academy, kangleipak(r) is a non-profitable organisation which focus creating an opportunity for the skilled player based on the capability, performance and Provide training for develop the student educational along with sports skill. Best performed sports players are encouraged to participate in national and international sports events along with elite training

We also establish and carry on such of the activities to provide relief of the poor, educational, medical, relief and the advancement of the any other object for the benefit of the general public without distinction of race, caste, community religion or social status.
To acquire the right skill is the most important key to growth and success.

Key to success: Preparation= (Purpose+ principle+ practice+ planning + practice+ perservance + patience + pride) = Success


To start, establish, equip and run without profit motive to benefits of the players and their career.


To fabricate and use sports as a tool to make a disciplined path and use among the young people with their families, and their communities. To reach their goals.

Our motivation

We are convinced that no one should fell lack of opportunity in sports and give up their commitment towards the sport or education.